
Enformak is able to provide all kinds of different barrel designs (cold feed, hot feed, pin barrel type, etc.) for rubbers. Enformak has its own rubber barrel and screw designs. Since it is possible for the barrel to be repaired, in case of standard barrels we produced, replaceable shingle piece is used, allowing easy and affordable repair solutions.

By courtesy of its specially designed pocket and its force-feeding, rubber tapes, which are normally hard to feed, may be easily fed in an efficient manner. Also, coolant water channels, which extend across the entire barrel, including the feeding zone, ensure the efficient processing of the rubber.


Increasing the variety of plastic materials in extrusion and injection applications ...

In particular, glass fiber, calcite, reinforcing materials that cause high abrasive and corrosive wear ...

Enformak, has been supporting the Turkey Plastic Industry since 1980...



All kinds of plasticization units that plastification machines need.


Plasticization units needed for the production of plastic products used by the infrastructure sector.


Plasticization units used in the processing of polymer materials used by the automotive sector.

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