
Shut-off nozzles are used in the plastic injection process and serve as a connection between the screw and the mould moving back and forth. Plasticization keeps the nozzle flow system in the closed position during the cycle time and provides many benefits.

Shut-off Nozzle Usage Advantages;

Protection of material against flow, pressing, and leakage

Reduction in the rate of faulty material

Shortening cycle time

Processing, environmental, and safety aspects

Prevention of distortion in applications of the hot runner with filter

Improvement of homogeneity in use with counter-pressure and/or static mixer.


Increasing the variety of plastic materials in extrusion and injection applications ...

In particular, glass fiber, calcite, reinforcing materials that cause high abrasive and corrosive wear ...

Enformak, has been supporting the Turkey Plastic Industry since 1980...



All kinds of plasticization units that plastification machines need.


Plasticization units needed for the production of plastic products used by the infrastructure sector.


Plasticization units used in the processing of polymer materials used by the automotive sector.

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