
ENFORMAK PT brings you STAMIXCO mixers and filters, designed for use in applications such as injection, extrusion, and heading.

ENFORMAK PT, the Turkey representative of STAMIXCO trademark, which is produced under BAYER license, offers its user static mixers and static filters, designed for use in injection and extruder machines. The majority of product defects occurring in productions carried out within injection and extruder system, arises from insufficient mixing of polymer melt. The purpose of the mixing act is to ensure the sameness of the additive/colorant concentration and temperature at each point of the melt plastic volume. Static mixers used in injection and extruder machines, ensure perfect homogeneity and mixture during the outflow of the melt. Thanks to this, high quality and low product cost are achieved. With the elimination of colorant and temperature distribution differences in the material, color clouds, dots and lines on products are avoided, and the use of expensive colorants are reduced by 20 to 40%

Static Mixers for Injection Machines (SMN)

Stamixco SMN mixer nozzle fully homogenize the polymer melt during injection, by courtesy of its extremely effective mixing elements. Since potential dead spots on mixing elements are minimized, it creates an extremely low pressure drop.


  • Reduction in color clouds, lines, and dots
  • Less paint usage (10 to 40%),
  • Better tolerance with regard to dimensions of printed pieces,
  • Less faulty prints,
  • Less piece deformation,
  • Less weight difference in prints,
  • Higher print quality when recycled material is used,
  • Shorter print period,
  • Better melt flow, enables perfectly equal filling in multi-cavity molds.

Static Mixer Dimension Determination

Generally, the usage number of mixer elements is eight (BAYER AG). Outer diameters and faces of the elements are ground. Mixing elements are made of highly-resistant 17-4 PH (DIN 1.4542) materials. All grids are connected to single body casting frame, each other and the ring at the outside. Therefore, it does not have any unsupported, breakable piece. The dimension of the mixer to be used is determined as a function of the used polymer’s flow index and viscosity. Also, an approximate dimension may also be determined through the use of the table below.

ENFORMAK PT brings you STAMIXCO mixers and filters, designed for use in applications such as injection, extrusion, and heading.

ENFORMAK PT, the Turkey representative of STAMIXCO trademark, which is produced under BAYER license, offers its user static mixers and static filters, designed for use in injection and extruder machines. The majority of product defects occurring in productions carried out within injection and extruder system, arises from insufficient mixing of polymer melt. The purpose of the mixing act is to ensure the sameness of the additive/colorant concentration and temperature at each point of the melt plastic volume. Static mixers used in injection and extruder machines, ensure perfect homogeneity and mixture during the outflow of the melt. Thanks to this, high quality and low product cost are achieved. With the elimination of colorant and temperature distribution differences in the material, color clouds, dots and lines on products are avoided, and the use of expensive colorants are reduced by 20 to 40%

Static Mixers for Injection Machines (SMN)

Stamixco SMN mixer nozzle fully homogenize the polymer melt during injection, by courtesy of its extremely effective mixing elements. Since potential dead spots on mixing elements are minimized, it creates an extremely low pressure drop.


  • Reduction in color clouds, lines, and dots
  • Less paint usage (10 to 40%),
  • Better tolerance with regard to dimensions of printed pieces,
  • Less faulty prints,
  • Less piece deformation,
  • Less weight difference in prints,
  • Higher print quality when recycled material is used,
  • Shorter print period,
  • Better melt flow, enables perfectly equal filling in multi-cavity molds.

Static Mixer Dimension Determination

Generally, the usage number of mixer elements is eight (BAYER AG). Outer diameters and faces of the elements are ground. Mixing elements are made of highly-resistant 17-4 PH (DIN 1.4542) materials. All grids are connected to single body casting frame, each other and the ring at the outside. Therefore, it does not have any unsupported, breakable piece. The dimension of the mixer to be used is determined as a function of the used polymer’s flow index and viscosity. Also, an approximate dimension may also be determined through the use of the table below.

Injection Flow Rate Mixer Elements
Screw Diameter Range Low Viscosity Polymers High Viscosity Polymers Mixer Nozzle Type Inner Diameter Outer Diameter LME 8 Mixer Elements Nozzle Diameter
(mm) (cm3/s)  (cm3/s) (mm) (mm) (mm) LTOP (mm)
20-50 300 200 SMN-12-8 12 18 8.0 64.0 18
40-75 1 700 SMN-18-8 18 26 Kas.25 90.0 26
50-90 1,8 1,2 SMN-22-8 22 30 13.May 108.0 30
70-120 3,4 2,3 SMN-27-8 27 35 16.May 132.0 35
80-140 6,2 4 SMN-33-8 33 42 20.0 160.0 42
100-180 11 7,4 SMN-40-8 40 50 24.0 192.0 50
Tolerances (category/mm):    -   f7 0/-0.1 0/-0.8 H7


  • Please contact us for greater dimensions. Dimensions were given approximately.
  • Tolerances are only suggestions, and they depend on your assembly method and operation conditions.



Static Mixer for Extrusion Machines (SMB-R)

As standard, SMB-R Extrusion static mixers use 8 effective static mixing elements. It homogenizes the polymer melt before it enters the mould. In this way, the homogeneity is increased by 5-6 times. The outer ring and the elements in it are made of cast and single parts and are designed to generate as little counter-pressure as possible. It can be used in applications such as Sheet Extrusion, Co-Extrusion, Cable and Film Extrusion, Foam Sheet, Fiber & Monofilament and Profile Extrusion.


  • Homogeneous melt mixture, temperature distribution, and concentration distribution
  • Possibility to use less coloring or additives
  • Elimination of colour lines
  • Better product quality in recycling materials
  • Precision in section thickness and dimensions
  • Cell size stability and uniform cell distribution in foamed materials
  • Better surface quality
  • Better mechanic characteristic

SMN Mixer Nozzle for SMF Filter

When using regenerated materials, it prevents the hot runner system or mould from being damaged and clogged. It can be mounted instead of mixer elements in which solid particles (eg. Metal particles) and unmelted plastic granules without changing nozzle measurements. Dimensions are compatible with mixers.


Type Inner Diameter Outer Diameter Parallel Number of Canal (Canal Width = 1 mm) Length of Filter Length of Filter / Length of Mixing Element Proper
mm mm mm Mixing Nozzle
SMF-12 12 18 6 16.0 2 ** SMN-12
SMF-18 18 26 8 22.May 2 SMN-18
SMF-22 22 30 11 27.0 2 SMN-22
SMF-27 27 35 13 33.0 2 SMN-27
SMF-33 33 42 15 40.0 2 SMN-33
SMF-40 40 50 19 48.0 2 SMN-40




Increasing the variety of plastic materials in extrusion and injection applications ...

In particular, glass fiber, calcite, reinforcing materials that cause high abrasive and corrosive wear ...

Enformak, has been supporting the Turkey Plastic Industry since 1980...



All kinds of plasticization units that plastification machines need.


Plasticization units needed for the production of plastic products used by the infrastructure sector.


Plasticization units used in the processing of polymer materials used by the automotive sector.

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Arab-Freesex هو موقع ويب رائع، مع الكثير من مقاطع الفيديو الجنسية العربية عالية الجودة لمشاهدتها. مع الوصول إلى أكثر من 1000 مقطع فيديو جديد يتم تحميلها كل ساعة، لن تتعب من مشاهدتها أبدًا. arab-freesex إنها مجموعة متنوعة جدًا من الأشياء، مثل الجنس بين الأعراق والشرج والجماعة، والجودة في كل مكان، من أشياء الهواة إلى محترفي الإباحية من الدرجة الأولى. يجب أن يكون هذا أحد أفضل مواقع الويب الإباحية على الويب بأكمله.